About the Better Governor Team

Better Governor has been created for you by the team at Strictly Education

Actively supporting over 7,500 Governors at over 2,000 schools, the Better Governor team combines real-life experience with unique insight into policy changes to distill what all school governors need to know, when they need to know it.

  • We work with governors in maintained schools, non-maintained schools, Church Schools, Early Years settings, Special Schools, Pupil Referral Units, Academies, Multi-academy Trusts and Free Schools
  • Our team of governance experts collectively represent more than 175 years of governance and clerking experience
  • Our team includes experienced governors and nationally acknowledged governance experts, clerks and National Leaders of Governance (NLG's)
  • In 2012 we were awarded one of nine prestigious licences by the National College for Teaching & Leadership (NCTL) to deliver the Chairs of Governors’ Leadership Development Programme
  • In 2014 we launched the NCTL Clerks' Development Programme
  • We conduct Reviews of Governance and have completed 200 of these since 2013
  • We have supported thousands of governors in their move to Federation, Academy, Multi Academy Trust, and other collaborative arrangements
  • We write, develop and deliver face to face training for groups of governors, clerks and individual schools, delivering training to over 5000 governors and clerks in the last year