This section will help clerks to governing bodies and trust boards find resources relating to specific expectations of their role and responsibilities. A range of webinars, podcasts and articles detailing good practice, procedural guidance and information on a variety of topics relevant to clerking are contained in this section. Do not forget, generic content on Ofsted, Safeguarding etc. is to be found in other areas of our Better Governor website.
Listening to your Clerk Podcast
This podcast features a focussed discussion between our two governance and Clerking experts; Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn. Steve and Linda explore how the role and expectations of the clerk to the Governing Board have evolved and now extend to the confident provision of advice, support and guidance to the chair of the board and all governors. The session focuses on expectations and how working together clerks, chairs and their boards can improv the effectiveness of governance in their school or trust.
Consultant: Steve Barker
March 2021
Clerks’ Forum (Recorded March 2021
This webinar focused on the planned return to school, for all pupils, on March 8th and the implications that this has for governance generally and clerking specifically, both in terms of agenda setting and supporting advice and guidance.
Consultant: Steve Barker
February 2021
Admission Appeal Panels - the role of the Clerk - 25th February - 14:00-15:00
This Better Governor webinar will explore the vital role that the clerk plays in supporting the work of schools and Academy Trust Appeal Panels. We will focus on how the clerk's role encompasses administration, including minute taking, but also the provision of support and guidance to panel members, and where asked to appellants. Clerks will also be made aware of the additional considerations for the conduct of appeal panel hearings, that have been put in place during the pandemic.
Consultant: Steve Barker
February 2021
Setting the agenda - Podcast
This Better Governor podcast features a conversation between our two governance experts; Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn. Steve and Linda are discussing the process of Governing Body agenda setting.
Consultant: Steve Barker
January 2021
Clerks' Briefing (Recorded January 2021)
This Spring Term Clerks' Briefing session ensured clerks to maintained schools and academies are briefed on what they need to know, in preparation for the coming term's meetings. We explored the latest guidance from the Department for Education and its implications for school governance in addition to focusing on key aspects of compliance and effective governance, that clerks should be incorporating into their planning.
Consultant: Steve Barker
January 2021