
  • Clerks' Forum Agenda Setting (RECORDED JUNE '24)

    This Better Governor webinar delivered by governance experts, Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn, looked at understanding the role of the clerk / governance professional in preparing and managing the agenda. Explored legal expectations relating to setting a governor meeting agenda and shared good practice in agenda creation.

    Consultant: Steve Barker June 2024

  • Online Safety in 2024 (Recorded June 2024)

    This Better Governor webinar, delivered by governance expert Steve Barker, clarified the key safeguarding risks relating to children and young people’s online safety. Reflected on legislation and good practice for governance monitoring of online safety in schools 2024, and explored how governance should be informed by guidance and asking questions to seek assurance of online safety in their schools.

    Consultant: Steve Barker June 2024

  • Academy Trust Quality Descriptors (Recorded May '24)

    This Better Governor webinar delivered by governance expert, Steve Barker, explored the rationale behind Trust Quality Descriptors and the role they will play in trusts’ future growth plans. Reflected on effective governance within the academy sector and how this sits alongside the descriptors. In addition, looked at how trust boards should engage with the descriptors to ensure that governance of their trust meets expectations.

    Consultant: Steve Barker May 2024

  • An Introduction to School Finance in 2024 (Recorded May '24)

    This BG webinar delivered by governance expert Steve Barker looked at clarifying the statutory tole and responsibilities of school governors relating to school finance in Autumn term 2023. Looked at good practice guidance on school finance within the Governance Competency Framework and looked to explore how governors monitoring should provide then with assurances that spending decisions are delivering value for money.

    Consultant: Steve Barker May 2024

  • The Questions Ofsted ask Governors (Recorded Apr '24)

    This Better Governor webinar, delivered by governance expert Steve Barker, focussed on ensuring clarity on when, how and what questions Ofsted inspectors ask governors and trustees in schools. Also discussed what good quality responses to Ofsted questions look like and explored what effective oversight of our schools is, and how this ensures readiness for being interviewed.

    Consultant: Steve Barker April 2024

  • Chairs’ Forum (RECORDED MARCH '24)

    This Better Governor webinar, delivered by governance expert Steve Barker, enabled attendees to have an opportunity to air concerns; burning issues or simply ask a question. Looked at sharing best practice tips and ideas.

    Consultant: Steve Barker March 2024

  • Safer Recruitment in 2024 (RECORDED FEB '24)

    This Better Governor webinar, delivered by Governance expert Steve Barker, focussed on ensuring those in governance have clarity on responsibilities for safe recruitment in schools. Bringing awareness of how governors should monitor this key aspect of compliance and explored good practice in governance oversight.

    Consultant: Steve Barker February 2024

  • Clerks' Forum (Recorded FEB '24)

    The Better Governor webinar was delivered by Governance experts, Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn. The focus of the webinar was to understand the role of the clerk in records management. To explore legal expectations with regards to records management, retention and destruction, and to share good practice in the establishment of effective systems and processes.

    Consultant: Steve Barker February 2024

  • Budgeting During Challenging Times (RECORDED FEB '24)

    This Better Governor webinar, delivered by Governance expert Steve Barker, focussed on clarifying the role of governance in setting and agreeing budgets for maintained schools (beginning 1st April 2024). Considered how funding challenges and inflationary pressures are impacting on schools’ ability to balance their budgets and explored some of the options that governing bodies may need to consider.

    Consultant: Steve Barker February 2024

  • Clerking in an Academy - what Clerks need to know (Recorded Jan '24)

    This webinar delivered by governance experts, Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn, provided attendees with an insight into the requirements of a clerk in an academy setting. It explored the nuances of the academy structures and procedures, and ensured attendees had clarity on the impact on clerking within an academy.

    Consultant: Steve Barker January 2024

  • The Governance Risk in 2024 (Recorded Jan'24)

    This webinar was delivered by Steve Barker and explored what the risk is within schools and why it needs to be on the governance radar. It ensured governors and trustees have clarity on the DfE expectations relating to risk in schools and ensured governors & trustees are aware of best practice in the governance of risk in 2024.

    Consultant: Steve Barker January 2024

  • Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) 2024 - (RECORDED JAN '24)

    This session introduced governors, in maintained schools, to the 2024 Schools Financial Value Standard, which must completed and submitted to the Local Authority before the end of this term. Governors learnt the purpose of the standard, their role in its completion and how the standard provides assurance and oversight to the governing body.

    Consultant: Steve Barker January 2024

  • How values shape school culture Podcast

    This Better Governor podcast features a conversation between our two governance experts: Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn. Steve and Linda are discussing how to ensure values in our school are driven by our visions and how as governing bodies and boards we should think about including the monitoring evaluation of values in what we do. Podcast length: 20minutes 15

    Consultant: Steve Barker December 2023

  • Safeguarding – How do we know Podcast

    This Better Governor podcast features a conversation between our two governance experts: Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn. Steve and Linda are reflecting on what governing boards should be talking about and doing at the end of autumn term 2023 moving into spring term 2024, specifically related to their monitoring and safeguarding role and how governors seek that assurance. Steve and Linda will also be thinking about the compliance role of governors in safeguarding. Podcast length: 24 minutes

    Consultant: Steve Barker December 2023

  • Good practice in clerking Suspensions and Exclusions (Recorded Dec '23)

    Good practice in clerking Suspensions and Exclusions webinar, recorded December 12th 2023

    Consultant: Steve Barker December 2023

  • Clerks' Forum (Recorded Dec '23)

    With a specific focus on Safeguarding, this Better Governor session was an opportunity for clerks to discuss issues, concerns or seek clarification on recent changes in guidance.

    Consultant: Steve Barker December 2023

  • Making Governor visits effective (Recorded Nov '23)

    This webinar focussed on how, as governors, we make our own visits to schools more effective. We explored how visits can be linked to school improvement priorities and how effective planning and recording will lead to more productive visits.

    Consultant: Steve Barker November 2023

  • Chairs' Forum

    This interactive Better Governor session provided chairs and vice-chairs with an opportunity to discuss topics relevant to their role and to hear good practice examples from their peers.

    Consultant: Steve Barker November 2023

  • Pupil Premium Strategy - the role of governance in 2023/24

    (RECORDED OCTOBER '23) - This Better Governor session explored the role and function of the DfE requirements for each school to agree a Pupil Premium strategy. During the session good practice was shared on how governors should monitor this key aspect of their school's provision.

    Consultant: Steve Barker October 2023

  • New to Chairing (RECORDED OCT '23)

    This session, aimed at new or aspiring chairs or committee chairs, explored the role of the chair and shared good practice tips on how to chair meetings effectively and how to be an effective leader.

    Consultant: Steve Barker October 2023

  • Academy Trust Quality Descriptors - what trust boards need to know (RECORDED SEPT '23)

    The webinar explored the Trust Quality Descriptors, published by the Department for Education (DfE) in July 2023. These descriptors will play a vital role in DfE decisions on the creation and expansion of trusts and are now embedded in the 2023 Academy Trust Handbook.

    Consultant: Steve Barker September 2023

  • Attendance - what governors should know and do in Autumn 2023 (RECORDED SEPT 2023)

    This Better Governor webinar focussed on the latest guidance from the Department of Education (DfE) on how schools and governing bodies should be focussing on pupil attendance.

    Consultant: Steve Barker September 2023

  • Safeguarding in 2023-24 (RECORDED SEPTEMBER 2023)

    This was a Better Governor overview of the governance of safeguarding with a specific focus on the new version of Keeping Children Safe in Education and the key changes in the September 2023 version.

    Consultant: Steve Barker September 2023

  • Understanding my schools Attendance Strategy (RECORDED MAY '23)

    Understanding my schools Attendance Strategy (RECORDED MAY '23) Webinar delivered by Steve Barker, Head of Governance Services

    Consultant: Steve Barker May 2023

  • Well-being, workload and staff satisfaction in 2023 (RECORDED MAR 23)

    Well-being, workload and staff satisfaction in 2023 Webinar delivered 7pm, 29th March. By Steve Barker, Head of Governance Services.

    Consultant: Steve Barker March 2023

  • Clerks’ Forum: Suspension and Exclusion – your role (RECORDED MAR 2023)

    Clerks’ Forum: Suspension and Exclusion – your role - 23rd March 2023, 12:00 Delivered by Steve Barker; Head of Governance Services and Rochelle Clarke Assistant Head of Governance Services

    Consultant: Steve Barker March 2023

  • The role of the designated SEND governor in 2023 (RECORDED FEB 2023)

    This webinar was delivered by Steve Barker, 9/2/23, 19:00

    Consultant: Steve Barker February 2023

  • Understanding the board's role in Safeguarding in 2023 (RECORDED FEBRUARY 23)

    Understanding the board's role in Safeguarding in 2023, webinar. Delivered by Steve Barker.

    Consultant: Steve Barker February 2023

  • The Role of Members in an Academy Trust (RECORDED FEB 2023)

    This webinar explored the role of Members in academy trusts. We clarified the expectations of Members, as an integral part of governance within academies, highlighting how Members should be adopting a ‘eyes on – hands off’ stance to their role. It is crucial that Members understand their statutory responsibilities and maintain an overview of the effectiveness of governance in their trust, so that they are able to exercise their powers, should the need arise. This session was hosted by Steve Barker who is an experienced governor, trustee and Member of a multi academy trust. The session was a mix of input from Steve, combines with in-session polls and the opportunity to have your questions answered in real time

    Consultant: Steve Barker January 2023

  • Managing Allegations - the role of governance (RECORDED JAN 2023)

    Managing Allegations - the role of governance Delivered by Steve Barker - Head of Governance Services

    Consultant: Steve Barker January 2023

  • Clerks Forum (RECORDED DEC 2022)

    This Better Governor Clerks' Forum webinar, focused on advice and regulations.

    Consultant: Steve Barker December 2022

  • Strategic overview of the school curriculum

    The role of governors should always be strategic and not operational and this principle applies to our oversight of the curriculum. In this Better Governor webinar we explored what strategic overview should look like and clarify how, in 2022, moving into 2023, the governance overview of the curriculum should reflect progression from the recovery curriculum, to schools plans for a return to normality.

    Consultant: Steve Barker December 2022

  • Understanding Cultural Capital and the role of SMSC (RECORDED NOV 22)

    Understanding Cultural Capital and the role of SMSC

    Consultant: Steve Barker November 2022

  • The governance of inclusion (RECORDED OCTOBER 2022)

    Our society and our schools are more diverse than they have every been. Governors and trustees need to ensure that they understand their school or trust's context and that all pupils, regardless of their characteristics, preferences and needs are provided with the opportunity to be included. This Better Governor webinar explored why Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are key themes in education at present and what we should expect our schools to be doing. This webinar was hosted by our governance expert Steve Barker and will be a mix of input from him, combined with in-session polls and the opportunity to have your questions answered in real time.

    Consultant: Steve Barker October 2022

  • Internal scrutiny – the role of governance

    This Better Governor webinar was for Trustees in academy trusts and explored the subject of Internal Scrutiny, focusing on its role and function and the oversight of the process that trustees are expected to have. The webinar was led by our governance expert Steve Barker, who is an experienced academy governor and chairs an academy trust and is a Member in a MAT. The session was a mix on input from Steve combined with in-session polls with an opportunity to have questions answered in real time.

    Consultant: Steve Barker November 2022

  • Clerks' Forum - July 2022

    This Better Governor Clerks' Forum webinar, focused on the Administration competency within the Department for Educations' Clerking Competency Framework. We explored the Administration role of the clerk paying particular attention to, what the Competency Framework describes as, 'High-quality paperwork' which the framework rightly states can lead to 'better-informed decision making, and clear record-keeping enables compliance and accurate reporting to others within, and outside, the organisation.

    Consultant: Steve Barker July 2022

  • Radicalisation and Activism - the role of governance - Thursday 9th June - 12.00

    This Better Governor webinar explored the statutory role of governance in ensuring that children and young people in our schools are protected from radicalisation, in all its current forms. We also focuse on the increase in activism and how this sits within the overall framework of safeguarding responsibilities of schools.

    Consultant: Steve Barker June 2022

  • Mental health and well-being in schools (Recorded May 2022)

    This webinar was timed to take place in Mental Health Awareness Week, which provided an opportunity for the whole of the UK to focus on achieving good mental health. We explored mental health in schools for both staff and pupils with a specific focus on what governance can do to recognise the importance of the topic and ensure that schools and trusts have policies and procedures in place that support positive well-being and recognise when signposting help may be needed.

    Consultant: Steve Barker May 2022

  • Attendance - the role of governance (Recorded May 2022)

    This webinar focused on the role of the governing board in promoting good attendance and punctuality. We explored how governance should be monitoring attendance and the range of information they should expect in terms of data and interventions to improve whole school attendance and that of specific groups of children and young people. Attendance is an integral part of the behaviour judgement in the current Ofsted framework and we will ensure governors have clarity on the expectations that inspectors will have.

    Consultant: Steve Barker April 2022

  • Better Governor Conference - Creating a Sustainable Future (March 2022)

    The 2022 Better Governor virtual conference looked to the future of schools and their governance as a response to both the pandemic and to last year’s COP26 world forum on sustainability.

    Consultant: Steve Barker March 2022

  • Meeting the needs of Looked After Children (Recorded February 2022)

    This Better Governor webinar explored the role of governance, in maintained schools and academy, in relation to Looked After Children. We explored the needs of this group of children and young people within the statutory duties of all schools and trusts.

    Consultant: Steve Barker February 2022

  • Clerks' Forum (January 2021)

    This Clerks’ Forum focused on the Competency 1, within the Clerking Competency Framework. ‘Understanding Governance’ is the foundation of the clerking role and we will explore the Core Functions of governance; what they mean in 2022 and specifically how they relate to and impact on the role of the clerk. We clarifed the specific statutory role and duties of the clerk and signpost relevant sources of further information, support and development opportunities that will enhance the role of the professional clerk.

    Consultant: Steve Barker January 2022

  • Staff workload and well-being - what governors need to know (Recorded Jan 2021)

    Teacher (and Headteacher) workload and its impact on well-being falls under the duty of care that governing boards have for their staff. This session explored what this means in practice and what schools can do to reduce workload. We focused on how governance should monitor this increasingly important aspect of their school's work in order to establish an appropriate strategic overview of its effectiveness.

    Consultant: Steve Barker January 2022

  • What governors need to know about the curriculum podcast

    This podcast is a conversation between our two governance experts; Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn; it explores, in the light of the current Ofsted Inspection framework, the strategic oversight role of governors and trustees, in maintained schools and academies. Steve and Linda discuss the ‘musts’ around governance monitoring of the curriculum and dispel some of the myths around Ofsted terminology, expectations of school governance and specifically where ‘Deep Dives’ fit in the picture.

    Consultant: Steve Barker December 2021

  • Improving the quality of minutes (Recorded December 2021)

    This Better Governor webinar was primarily aimed at clerks, but would be of benefit to governors and trustees who wish to deepen their understanding of good practice in this vital aspect of governance. We explored good practice in minute taking, drafting and and approval, equipping clerks with the knowledge of best practice, as we approach 2022, in terms of effective minutes that support effective governance in our schools and trusts.

    Consultant: Steve Barker December 2021

  • Role of local governance in Academies - 17th November - 12 noon

    Academy trusts operate a variety of governance models and use a number of different names for the arrangements they have in place at individual schools and groups of schools. This webinar explored the basic principles of governance, within academies, and how the trust's Scheme of Delegation, outlines what has been delegated. We reflected on how, at local level, those responsible for governance should be fulfilling the expectations of their role.

    Consultant: Steve Barker November 2021

  • Raising awareness of sexual abuse in schools podcast

    The attention of the media on this specific safeguarding threat has grown significantly in 2021. This Better Governor podcast features a conversation between our two governance experts; Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn, on the threat that peer-on-peer sexual abuse and violence poses to our children and young people. The scale of the issue is explored alongside research findings, from Ofsted, from the summer of 2021 and the Department for Educations latest guidance to schools. Those in governance will find this a useful summary of their role and the expectations of how governors should have an appropriately strategic overview of what their schools are doing to raise awareness of the issue and ensure that reporting of abuse is encouraged and rigorously investigated and acted upon.

    Consultant: Steve Barker November 2021

  • Understanding the Instrument of Government Podcast

    This podcast features a discussion between our two governance and clerking experts; Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn. Their focus is the role that the Instrument of Government plays in school governance, bring clarity of understanding to governors, of its significance and setting clear expectations for clerks, of how the document shapes governance within maintained schools and determines elections, appointments and the overall number of governors on the board.

    Consultant: Steve Barker October 2021

  • Revisiting the Quality of Education Judgement (Recorded November 2021)

    This Better Governor webinar reflected on the significance of the Quality of Education judgement within the Ofsted framework. We considered the implications for governance in terms of our strategic overview of school self-evaluation and reflected on the questions that we know Ofsted can and are asking governors, during inspections.

    Consultant: Steve Barker October 2021

  • Understanding the new EYFS framework as focus for visiting (Recorded October 2021)

    The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework has been updated and came into force on 1st September 2021. This webinar explored the main changes from a governance perspective and focus on how governors should be seeking assurance that their schools have fully implemented the new curriculum.

    Consultant: Steve Barker October 2021

  • Strategic overview of the school curriculum – beyond the Recovery Curriculum (Recorded October 2021)

    The role of governors should always be strategic and not operational and this principle applies to our oversight of the curriculum. In this Better Governor webinar we explored what strategic overview should look like and clarify how, in 2021, moving into 2022, the governance overview of the curriculum should reflect progression from the recovery curriculum, to schools plans for a return to normality.

    Consultant: Steve Barker October 2021

  • What governors should expect from Risk Assessment in September 2021 Podcast

    This podcast focuses on a discussion between our two governance experts; Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn. Their discussion relates to the expectations that those involved in school governance should have relating to risk assessments and subsequent procedures in their schools, given the ongoing nature of the Covid pandemic. Changes in Department for Education guidance in July and August 2021, whilst not necessarily changing assessed risks, do mean that schools will be reflecting on the associated procedures and it is important that governing boards are aware of the changes and understand how they will impact on school processes and procedures in the coming months.

    Consultant: Steve Barker September 2021

  • Clerks’ Forum - Ofsted in the Autumn Term (Recorded July 2021)

    This Clerks' Forum featured focussed discussion on the various announcements and publications from Ofsted, that inform school's understanding of what the current inspection framework will look like in the Autumn Term. We explored elements of Ofsted's administration processes, how the revised handbooks impact on the role of governance during inspection and key themes emerging relating to lockdown and impact of school closures. The webinar supported clerks in their role of providing advice and guidance to governors.

    Consultant: Steve Barker July 2021

  • Understanding your Trust’s Scheme of Delegation (Recorded June 2021)

    This webinar was aimed at those involved in governance in academies and explored the role and function of the Scheme of Delegation. We focused on the principles of delegation and how these should inform the structure of the trust's Scheme of Delegation, and ultimately shape the work of governance at local level.

    Consultant: Steve Barker June 2021

  • Primary to Secondary School transition in 2021 - what governors need to know

    This podcast features a discussion between two of our governance experts; Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn. The podcast explores some of the specific issues impacting on successful transition from Year 6 into Year 7 in September 2021. Steve and Linda talk about the impact of Covid and the related school closures and how this has led to changes in assessment, availability of pupil progress data to support transition, as well as a range of other issues that have arisen as a consequence of partial closures of school, remote learning, and the toll they may have taken on young people's lives.

    Consultant: Steve Barker May 2021

  • Relationship, Sex and Health Education in Summer term 2021 Podcast

    This Better Governor podcast features a focused conversation between our two governance experts: Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn. Steve and Linda explore how governing boards should be monitoring Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE), now that the new statutory duty is fully in place and schools are expected to have provision complete by the start of the summer term 2021.

    Consultant: Steve Barker May 2021

  • Handling Allegations (Recorded April 2021)

    This Better Governor webinar explored how safeguarding allegations should be handled in schools and academies, and how this sits with the role of governance in terms of strategic oversight over the process. We focused on who should be involved and highlight the role of governance in handling allegations relating to the headteacher, which whilst rare, do occur from time to time.

    Consultant: Steve Barker April 2021

  • Hot Topics (Recorded April 2021)

    This Hot Topics webinar explored what is new and relevant to school governance, that may impact on effective governance in the Summer term 2021 and beyond. The topics included are; new rules relating to Pupil Premium reporting, Behaviour Hubs, Ofsted plans for inspection of schools, and the new Early Career Framework.

    Consultant: Steve Barker April 2021

  • The clerk as a professional advisor (Recorded April 2021)

    This Better Governor webinar focused on the key competence of the professional clerk; that of providing advice and guidance to governing boards. We explored how this is best achieved and outline strategies that clerks can employ to overcome barriers to them being enabled and empowered to do so.

    Consultant: Steve Barker March 2021

  • The role of the School Business Manager and how it supports governance (Recorded March 2021)

    This Better Governor webinar explored how effective governance relies on effective working relationships between the School Business Manager(SBM)/Bursar and the Governing Board. We explored key aspects of the SBM/Bursar role highlighting where this supports timely decision making by the board and in turn, the board's effective strategic oversight of school finance.

    Consultant: Steve Barker March 2021

  • Listening to your Clerk Podcast

    This podcast features a focussed discussion between our two governance and Clerking experts; Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn. Steve and Linda explore how the role and expectations of the clerk to the Governing Board have evolved and now extend to the confident provision of advice, support and guidance to the chair of the board and all governors. The session focuses on expectations and how working together clerks, chairs and their boards can improv the effectiveness of governance in their school or trust.

    Consultant: Steve Barker March 2021

  • Governance of the Single Central Record Podcast

    This podcast focuses on the role of governance in ensuring this vital aspect of Safer Recruitment compliance is both in place and accurate. Our two governance experts; Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn, explore the purpose and statutory status of the Single Central Record and discuss effectiveness of governance monitoring of it. The podcast also includes good practice tips on how effective monitoring can take place remotely.

    Consultant: Steve Barker March 2021

  • Clerks’ Forum (Recorded March 2021

    This webinar focused on the planned return to school, for all pupils, on March 8th and the implications that this has for governance generally and clerking specifically, both in terms of agenda setting and supporting advice and guidance.

    Consultant: Steve Barker February 2021

  • Admission Appeal Panels - the role of the Clerk - 25th February - 14:00-15:00

    This Better Governor webinar will explore the vital role that the clerk plays in supporting the work of schools and Academy Trust Appeal Panels. We will focus on how the clerk's role encompasses administration, including minute taking, but also the provision of support and guidance to panel members, and where asked to appellants. Clerks will also be made aware of the additional considerations for the conduct of appeal panel hearings, that have been put in place during the pandemic.

    Consultant: Steve Barker February 2021

  • The role of the vice chair (Recorded February 2021)

    This Better Governor webinar explored the position of the vice-chair to the Governing Body. We looked at the very few regulations that apply and focus on the advantages that good practice in the role can bring to effective governance in both maintained schools and academies. This session helped; chairs improve workload through ideas for delegation and sharing, vice-chairs in becoming more effective, and any governor contemplating taking on the role, reflect on how they too can contribute towards effective governance of their school or trust.

    Consultant: Steve Barker February 2021

  • New to Chairing (Recorded January 2021)

    This Better Governor webinar was aimed at those; new to the role of chair, contemplating taking the chair, and those who simply wish to refresh their knowledge and practice. We explored the role and responsibilities of the chair of the board, explore good practice and focus on how the chair should lead the board.

    Consultant: Steve Barker January 2021

  • Setting the agenda - Podcast

    This Better Governor podcast features a conversation between our two governance experts; Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn. Steve and Linda are discussing the process of Governing Body agenda setting.

    Consultant: Steve Barker January 2021

  • The role of Members in academy trusts - Podcast

    This podcast features our two governance experts; Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn in conversation on the role and responsibilities of Members in academy trusts.

    Consultant: Steve Barker January 2021

  • Clerks' Briefing (Recorded January 2021)

    This Spring Term Clerks' Briefing session ensured clerks to maintained schools and academies are briefed on what they need to know, in preparation for the coming term's meetings. We explored the latest guidance from the Department for Education and its implications for school governance in addition to focusing on key aspects of compliance and effective governance, that clerks should be incorporating into their planning.

    Consultant: Steve Barker January 2021