
This area of the Better Governor website, focuses on news articles and reports that highlight school issues impacting on pupils, their needs and requirements, and how governing bodies can ensure their school provides the right support, at the right time, to all pupils, from the most vulnerable to the most able.

  • Safeguarding - what governors need to know (Rec Oct '24)

    This Better Governor webinar, delivered by Governance expert Steve Barker, clarified the role and statutory expectations of governance in relation to safeguarding in 2024. Ensured governors understood the role of Keeping Children Safe in Education and explored how governance questions reflect effective accountability.

    Consultant: Steve Barker October 2024

  • Online Safety in 2024 (Recorded June 2024)

    This Better Governor webinar, delivered by governance expert Steve Barker, clarified the key safeguarding risks relating to children and young people’s online safety. Reflected on legislation and good practice for governance monitoring of online safety in schools 2024, and explored how governance should be informed by guidance and asking questions to seek assurance of online safety in their schools.

    Consultant: Steve Barker June 2024

  • Safeguarding – How do we know Podcast

    This Better Governor podcast features a conversation between our two governance experts: Steve Barker and Linda Waghorn. Steve and Linda are reflecting on what governing boards should be talking about and doing at the end of autumn term 2023 moving into spring term 2024, specifically related to their monitoring and safeguarding role and how governors seek that assurance. Steve and Linda will also be thinking about the compliance role of governors in safeguarding. Podcast length: 24 minutes

    Consultant: Steve Barker December 2023

  • Attendance - what governors should know and do in Autumn 2023 (RECORDED SEPT 2023)

    This Better Governor webinar focussed on the latest guidance from the Department of Education (DfE) on how schools and governing bodies should be focussing on pupil attendance.

    Consultant: Steve Barker September 2023

  • Safeguarding in 2023-24 (RECORDED SEPTEMBER 2023)

    This was a Better Governor overview of the governance of safeguarding with a specific focus on the new version of Keeping Children Safe in Education and the key changes in the September 2023 version.

    Consultant: Steve Barker September 2023

  • Understanding my schools Attendance Strategy (RECORDED MAY '23)

    Understanding my schools Attendance Strategy (RECORDED MAY '23) Webinar delivered by Steve Barker, Head of Governance Services

    Consultant: Steve Barker May 2023

  • Managing Allegations - the role of governance (RECORDED JAN 2023)

    Managing Allegations - the role of governance Delivered by Steve Barker - Head of Governance Services

    Consultant: Steve Barker January 2023

  • The governance of inclusion (RECORDED OCTOBER 2022)

    Our society and our schools are more diverse than they have every been. Governors and trustees need to ensure that they understand their school or trust's context and that all pupils, regardless of their characteristics, preferences and needs are provided with the opportunity to be included. This Better Governor webinar explored why Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are key themes in education at present and what we should expect our schools to be doing. This webinar was hosted by our governance expert Steve Barker and will be a mix of input from him, combined with in-session polls and the opportunity to have your questions answered in real time.

    Consultant: Steve Barker October 2022

  • Radicalisation and Activism - the role of governance - Thursday 9th June - 12.00

    This Better Governor webinar explored the statutory role of governance in ensuring that children and young people in our schools are protected from radicalisation, in all its current forms. We also focuse on the increase in activism and how this sits within the overall framework of safeguarding responsibilities of schools.

    Consultant: Steve Barker June 2022

  • Attendance - the role of governance (Recorded May 2022)

    This webinar focused on the role of the governing board in promoting good attendance and punctuality. We explored how governance should be monitoring attendance and the range of information they should expect in terms of data and interventions to improve whole school attendance and that of specific groups of children and young people. Attendance is an integral part of the behaviour judgement in the current Ofsted framework and we will ensure governors have clarity on the expectations that inspectors will have.

    Consultant: Steve Barker April 2022

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